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Who is the best agent to sell your home?

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier as she gives you the top questions to ask when choosing a listing agent.

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The must do repairs to sell your house

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier for an overview of the repairs that must be done to get the best price for your house.

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how to set the price for your home

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier to learn about the factors that go into setting the right price for your home.

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The best marketing plan for your home

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier to determine the best marketing plan for your specific property.

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Leveraging agent contacts to sell your house

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier to learn how the contacts in your agent’s network can bring the best buyers.

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how to use staging to sell your house

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier to discover how to grab the attention of buyers who are starting their search online.

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Using broker feedback to sell your house

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier as she reviews broker feedback you can use to boost your chances of selling.

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questions to ask when selling your home

Join host Rochelle LeCavalier to learn how the contacts in your agent’s network can bring the best buyers.